Divergent Youth

Divergent Youth
The prospects of any community, city, or nation are determined by the quality of its future leaders and there is no doubt that the children and young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow.
At Community Transformers, we believe that building young people to be independent-minded, hardworking, brave, selfless, peaceful, honest, and intelligent is building the community and the city.
One of the major problems confronting our city and the United Kingdom, in general, is the attitude of some young people to work. Their inability to sustain employment is another issue that has been a major cause for concern among employers.
In supplementing government efforts in its commitment to raise educational standards and improve attendance, particularly amongst vulnerable children and young people, Community Transformers, as part of its vision and commitment to community transformation and development, has some anti-truancy and extra-curriculum programmes that are envisaged to alleviate truancy problems in many disadvantaged areas of the city.
Such programmes aim at inculcating time management, attendance culture, and appropriate work ethics in the minds of children and young people through coaching, encouragement, rewards, and engaging them in various extracurricular activities.
In addition to raising the educational standards and improving school attendance, Community Transformers aims to engage with young people through the provision of recreational, leisure, mental and physical fitness activities, skills, capabilities, and capacity-building events. Our goal is to enhance and improve the social and economic lives of young people in our community. In the last 8 years, 90% of our youths have graduated from university and are gainfully employed.